When you were about to throw the film onto the screen when it was 35mm, there was always that little heart-missing-a-beat moment. You’d think, ‘Is it all going to come together? Is it going to be the right way? Is it going to be in rack? Is the sound going to be right?’ And then when it’s correct, then you can relax. It was exciting. – John Neal, Curzon Cinema, Clevedon
Shirehampton (Bristol), The Savoy

Two projectionists in the projection box of a Bristol cinema, which opened in October 1933. Used with permission from Screen International. More >
Cartoon: Replacement Labour in World War 1

This cartoon published in Kinematograph Weekly on June 24 1915 addressed the impact of the shortage of male labour on the cinema experience. Used with… More >
Women projectionists at the ENSA training school during the Second World War

Two women projectionists training at the Entertainment National Service Association (E.N.S.A.) projection training school in 1942. Used with… More >
Mablethorpe (Lincolnshire), Victoria Cinema

Two projectionists in the Victoria Cinema, Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire in 1934. Used with permission from Screen International. More >
The Cinema Projectionist Archives hold a range of audio-visual resources documenting the working lives of cinema projectionists in Britain from the 1890s to the 2010s. Here you can find extracts from audio interviews with projectionists, videos, documents, magazine articles and possibly the world’s largest online collection of images of projection box. Navigate through the material by decade, theme, or type of material. Explore our archives >>TOURS
The Cinema Projectionist Archives hold a range of audio-visual resources documenting the working lives of cinema projectionists in Britain from the 1890s to the 2010s. Here you can find extracts from audio interviews with projectionists, videos, documents, magazine articles and possibly the world’s largest online collection of images of projection box. Navigate through the material by decade, theme, or type of material. Take one of our tours >>
Over 80 audio clips from projectionists and commentary from the research team to be uncovered as you explore the interactive Virtual Projection Box.
Explore the projection box >>